How safe is your boat?
At Blagdons, we always try to support our

customers with the backup and safety expertise that we have developed over many years. By offering such advice, we think that many customers have saved themselves not only costly repair bills, but also protected the safety of their crew.
At present, there is no marine equivalent to the motor MOT. However, we have developed the following recommended check list:
1. Hull Fittings
Have the boat's hull fittings been inspected and serviced regularly?
2. Engine
Is the engine serviced and maintained by a specialist? Do you carry vital spares?
3. Mast & Rig
Is the condition of the standing and running rigging safe? When was it last inspected by
a qualified rigger?
4. Cookers/Gas
Does the gas system meet current regulation standards? Has it been tested and passed by a certified gas engineer? Are the gas bottles in a safe location and protected?
5. Emergency Equipment
Do you carry an emergency kit such as; flares, fire extinguishers, lifecraft etc and are they tested? Do you have spares like batteries and bulbs for torches and boat lights? Do you have enough lifejackets and are they fit for purpose? Is the boat's First Aid kit satisfactory? At sea, you can be literally on your own. Could you cope until help arrives? How would you call for help?
6. An Emergency Plan
Have you given enough thought to what can happen at sea? How would you cope?
These types of questions are now being asked by insurance companies and the answers can mean the difference between being safe and risking lives.
Blagdons can advise and provide a report on the safety of your boat. Please ask for details.